Monday, February 16, 2009

Fonash 2008 WL 5248175 (Bankr.M.D.Pa.), Bankr. L. Rep. P 81,380

Chapter 7 debtor failed to sufficiently document student loan expenses raised as "special circumstance."

Regardless of whether a Chapter 7 debtor's student loan expenses might constitute a "special circumstance," of a kind sufficient to rebut the "means test" presumption of abuse and to prevent the case from being dismissed, a debtor who failed to provide any documentation of these expenses, with the exception of the "means test" form itself, did not satisfy the procedural burden of the "special circumstances" provision. A debtor seeking to show "special circumstances," of a kind sufficient to rebut the "means test" presumption that his Chapter 7 filing is an abuse of the provisions of that chapter, bears both a procedural and substantive burden.


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